9:00-10:00: Dr. Filipe Castro, «Genome Stories: the splendor of life forms and their origin»
10:00-11:00: Drª. Mafalda Ferreira, «The evolution of white-tailed jackrabbit camouflage in response to past and future climates»
11:00-11:30: Coffee Break + Posters
11:30-12:30: Comunicações Orais
12:30-14:00: Almoço
14:00-15:00: Sessão de empreendedorismo + empresarial
14h-14:20: Pimenta dos Vinhedos
14:20h-14:40: Morinha Lab
14:40h-15: Alfagene
15:00-15:30: MsC Jorge Guío, «Regulatory networks in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120»
15:45-16:15: Coffee Break + Posters
16:15-17:15: Comunicações Orais
17:15-18:00: Mesa Redonda
20:30: Jantar das Jornadas